Defensive Tactics for Special Operations
Ohara Publications has just released Sergeant Jim Wagner’s new book, and it is on sale now on our online store. If you purchase a book from the online store it is personally autographed by the author.
This 152 page book goes step-by-step through all of the defensive tactics techniques that an operator would need in a wide variety of high risk tactical situations. This is a must have book for anyone on a special operations unit: SWAT, ERT, HRT, SRT, Warrant Service, CT, Gang Unit or anyone else in the field of law enforcement, probation, corrections, or security who may face dangerous persons. You won’t find any fancy or wazoo techniques in this book, but only those techniques and training methods that are proven and tried. These are the same techniques that Sergeant Jim Wagner has taught to elite units all over the world like the German GSG9, FBI SWAT, US Marshals, Brazilian GATE, Argentinean GOE, Helsinki Police Department, London Metropolitan Police Department, US Coast Guard, US Marines PMO, San Diego Sheriff’s Department, Royal Dutch Police, and the list goes on.
Chapte1 is all about arm and leg strikes, Chapter 2 is room entry defense and recovery, Chapter 3 covers weapon retention, Chapter 4 is helmet defense, Chapter 5 shows you that your firearm can’t always save you in knife attacks and how to survive them, Chapter 6 gives a unique perspective on shield defense and introduces the new Baker Batshield, Chapter 7 explores arrest & control, and the book finishes with Chapter 8 on additional drills and exercises for operators. Although written for the professional this book has many techniques that apply to anyone who studies self-defense.
Message for certified instructors only
If you are a Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection instructor, personally taught by Jim Wagner, whether you are a Level 1, 2, or 3 instructor, you can join the Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection International Association today for only the price of one instructor course ($250.00 USD), and receive updates on the system for one year. This new program took effect January 1, 2008.
No on joining the Association
Instructors do NOT have to join the International Association. However, consider the following. On every Reality-Based instructor certificate there is an expiration date. Just prior to the date of expiration it is recommended that the instructor join the International Association. If the instructor does not want to join the association after the expiration date he or she may still continue to officially teach Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection courses for which they are authorized on their certificates to teach, but this official website will indicate that the instructor's certificate is EXPIRED. This is to let students verify the instructor's credentials on the Internet and to let them know that the instructor has not been updated with the latest information or teachings coming from Jim Wagner. Of course, some courses like Crime Survival and Terrorism Survival are changing constantly as the criminals and terrorists come up with new ways of victimizing. If an instructor has not been a member of the International Association nor has taken any Jim Wagner courses within three years this website will indicate that the instructor's status is INACTIVE. It is widely accepted by law enforcement, military, and professional training organizations that if an instructor is not updated within three years "instructional drift" creeps in; meaning that the instructor may not be teaching as he or she was originally taught.
Even if an instructor lets their instructor certificate expire, their name will still remain on the official Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection website as an honored instructor, although it will still stay INACTIVE.
Instructors who tend not to join the association are those who want an instructor certificate to build their résumé only, those who plan on teaching temporarily or in a very limited capacity (such as private lessons or small groups), or those who do not feel it is necessary to receive updated material from Jim Wagner.
Yes on joining the Association
Once a Level 1, 2, or 3 certificates expires, exactly one year later from the date of issuance, an instructor may join the International Association. The benefit of joining this organization is to receive the latest updates (changes in the system, updated outlines, new teaching methods, and advertising and marketing materials) as they come out. The cost is only $250.00 (USD) a year; the price of one 8 hour instructor course. This one price covers all instructor levels.
The updates will be sent to the instructor by email or by post depending on the material. All the instructor has to do is read or view the update, fill in a simple electronic form, and email it back to the International Association, which lets us know that the instructor has seen the updates (or mail the form back for those with no Internet service). Since we are in regular contact with the instructor, the instructor does not have to physically train with us yearly in order to receive a yearly recertification. Each year a new certificate, with a new expiration date affixed upon it, will be sent to the instructor. This website will indicate that the instructor's status is CURRENT.
Those who tend to join the association are those who teach self-defense commercially or privately for their agencies or organizations, whether they are teaching the Jim Wagner system or not, who want to be updated on the latest changes in the Jim Wagner Reality-Based Personal Protection system or to be informed on new information.
Those who sign up in 2008 will receive, for FREE, Jim Wagner's new 152 page book titled Defensive Tactics for Special Operations, along with the updated material.
Shipping charges will be for the material sent.