Fighting Knives – Knife Fighting Jim Wagner
My newest book is now on the market. The book, published by Wieland-Verlag ( is called Kampfmesser-Messerkampf (Fighting Knives-Knife Fighting, ISBN 978-3-938711-07-1) is only available in the German language at this time. Currently the publisher is negotiating with an American publisher to have the 203 pages published in English, and there is even talk of it being printed in Russian.
This book, which I co-authored with famous knife designer Dietmar Pohl, is one of the most detailed books ever printed on the subject of knives for conflict. Dietmar goes through the history of tactical knives, the various shapes and styles out there, carry methods, and hundreds of technical details not covered in any other books.
My portion of the book covers knife fighting from my Reality-Based Personal Protection system. The stp-by-step photos are of the highest quality, and the layout of the book is esthetically pleasing.
In Germany the Reality-Based Personal Protection system is growing fast. My next Level 1 courses will be April 23-27, but it was sold out two months ago. There are still openings in my German Level 1 courses September 24-28, but that too is filling fast. My newest book is only going to make the demand even higher.
Movie Review: 300 Jim Wagner
For those who have studied under me over the years have often heard me refer to the ancient Spartan warriors to illustrate the fighting spirit one should have in modern times. I have told the story of the 300 Spartans who held off the Persian invasion of Greece for three days at the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 B.C. led by King Leonidas.
Now, this same story is a movie in the theaters playing throughout Europe, and is already several weeks in the running in North America.
On Saturday, March 24th my Reality-Based Personal Protection Director of the Netherlands Mike Constantinides and one of my top Dutch instructors, Ronald van der Hulst, went to see 300 on the opening night in Holland.
300, based on a true story, was one of the best movies I have ever seen in many respects. The photography was truly innovative, the special effects realistic, the director’s ability to affect one’s emotions was intense. The movie showed the sharp contrast between weak minded men, and men who had integrity and a willingness to protect their country at all cost. However, the movie is definitely not a family movie due to some sexual content and extreme graphic violence.
One of the many scenes that stuck out in my mind was a scene in how Spartan children were trained to become warriors. The fathers were loving, but they were very hard in pressing the point that a Spartan never retreats and never surrenders in battle. In today’s standard it would be considered “child abuse.”
In our society where people tend to act like “sheep” before today’s criminals and terrorists, this movie inspires one to take a strong stand before one’s enemies or those who would deprive others of freedom. This movie definitely pushes toughness, team work and individual courage, as well as respect for law and social order.
In Iraq and Afghanistan we have many “Spartans” trying to stabilize a society that is not their own. They voluntarily fight to prevent the mass slaughter of others. After all, if these men and women come home before the job is done a true civil war will erupt on a much larger scale. Like the Spartans the coalition forces are dealing with the Persians.
Back in The Netherlands Jim Wagner
From March 26 to 30 I taught my Level 1 Courses at my European headquarters in Amsterdam (Huizen). The facility in run by my director there, Mike Constantinides, who was promoted to that position only one year and one month ago after finishing up his training with me in Carrikmacross, Ireland.
On this particular trip I had a lot of free time before my first course, which is a rare thing indeed. So, I took full advantage of the time and learned all I could about Amsterdam. I visited the Rijk Museum to look at the Rembrandt paintings, I perused through all four floors of the Van Gogh museum, I visited the Tower of Tears where many wives and children wept for their sailors in ancient times as they headed out to sea, I went to the Anne Frank house, the Madame Tussaud wax museum, onto an authentic house boat on one of the canals, and just walked the streets to know my way around. Of course, Mike and I would eat out at some of the best restaurants when it came time for meals.
One of my students who took the entire week of courses (Defensive Tactics, Ground Survival, Knife Survival, Crime Survival and Terrorism Survival) is a Boeing 737 pilot for a large airline. He told me that he came to me because, to his great disappointment, his company does not offer pilots or flight attendants any training against unruly passengers or terrorists. As such, he was surfing the web for realistic training and came across my website.