Master Knife Maker Jens Kubesch Jim Wagner
One of my Reality-Based instructors that I just certified as a Level 2 instructor is Jens Kubesch.
During one of the breaks I saw him showing another instructor his newest knife design that was actually a scissors knife. It was so unique that I asked if I could see it.
The Kubesch scissors knife looks like a pair of paramedic scissors with the exception of one large spike sharpened like a knife. With a quick pull from a Kydex holster the scissors can be easily used as a push dagger, and yet the tool is perfectly legal through the eyes of the German law and even comes with a card from the BKA (the equivalent of the American Federal Bureau of Investigations) stating that it is a tool and not a weapon. When Kubesch showed it to me, and I had a chance to handle it, I just had to have one for myself. I carried it with me for the rest of my stay in Germany. Concealed fixed blades are legal to carry on your person in Germany.
The Kubesch scissors, designed by Jens Kubesch in Fulda, Germany, is made of stainless steel. In an emergency situation the scissors can be used for clothing removal for first aid, cutting a seat belt, tearing into Kevlar, and even for daily cutting use. The knife side can be used for punching holes or as a last resort self-defense tool for stabbing. The Kydex holster makes it easy to be attached to a belt or worn as a necklace.
To order this fantastic tool go to
For his gratitude of me having trained him in Level 2 techniques and training methods Jens Kubesch gave me a custom hand-made Kubesch knife as a gift. When I took it out of its Kydex sheath I could instantly tell that is was a knife that could penetrate just about anything. The design is almost like an industrial spike with one side completely razor sharp and deadly. It is weighty enough that it could lop off somebody’s arm with a single swing. Jens Kubesch is truly a “Messerschmiedemeister” (master knife maker). He has been making knives for twenty years now, and has been in business for 15 years. With his Reality-Based Knife Survival certificate, Level 1 instructor certificate, and now his Level 2 instructor certificate he is also a “knife fighting expert.” These are the quality people that I enjoy attracting to my system.