The new and improved Reality-Based Impact Head, formerly known as the Hammerhead, is now back on the market. This striking target is the same shape and size as a real human head, having a hard plastic skull and non-tear rubber skin. It has a handle in the back of the head where a trainer can place his hand to hold it for the trainee. The price is only $65.95 and are available now. CLICK HERE to order.
The inventor, Ray Long, and I have been working together for a few years, and I designed his product’s new logo. I will also be taping a DVD for Ray on how to use the Impact Head.
If you are carrying a Jim Wagner Reality-Based Blade you may want to buy a new tactical lanyard for it for only $7.95 CLICK HERE to order.
If you bought my Jim Wagner Reality-Based Fixed blade, which is one of the toughest combat knives on the market, then you will need a TEK-LOK for $9.95 CLICK HERE to order. This is needed if you want to attach your sheath to a belt, LBV, or MOLLE straps.
I also am selling two books. The first was written by my good friend Avi Nardia. It is titled KAPAP Combat Concepts. KAPAP is the original military martial arts of Israel from which Krav Maga came out of. This is published by Black Belt Books and I wrote the Forward for it. It cost $24.95 CLICK HERE to order. The second book, also by Black Belt Books, is titled The Ultimate Guide to Grappling. In this book there is a section written by me and former DEA agent Jeff Clancy called How to Turn Sport Grappling Into Street Grappling. It sells for $16.95 CLICK HERE to order.
AAFES accepts Wagner Urban knife Jim Wagner
AAFES, Army & Air Force Exchange Service, is the store found on every Army and Air Force base in the world, and they have officially accepted my new knife, the Wagner Urban manufactured by Boker, to sell worldwide, and the official code is TK047.
Boker did a really good job in packaging my knife. It is displayed on ACU digital camouflage in a half folded position. On the back of the package are the specifications with a nice mechanical drawing of my knife. Boker USA is the official distributor of this product.
From its first day on the market this knife has been extremely popular, and one of Boker’s best selling knives of all time. CLICK HERE to order your own.