New Reality-Based DVD series on the market Jim Wagner
It was February 16 to 18 of this year that I worked on a new DVD series by the request of Black Belt magazine. This new project is called Series 2 and it includes three Reality-Based Personal Protection DVDs.
Series 1 was done back in 2003 when we made eight DVDs. They were a huge success for us, which led to my first book by the same title: Reality-Based Personal Protection. The series has been view by thousands over the past six years, and still continues to sell quite well. As such, Black Belt magazine wanted a second series.
The titles of the three new DVDs are:
Volume 1: How to Beat Various Fighters Volume 2: The Most Important Self-Defense Lesson of Your Life Volume 3: Conflict Conditioning
Helping me tape Series 2 was Peter Falk (Reality-Based Director of the Nordic countries), Mitra Castano (Reality-Based Director of Canada), Sarwan Boodram (Reality-Based Director of Trinidad and Tobago), and Frank Mayson my longtime friend since high school and one of my most devoted Reality-Based Personal Protection instructors. I also had a lot of help from other RBPP instructors and students.
More and more non-martial artists are coming to our Reality-Based system because they see how easy it is to learn, and they realize that it is the “real” thing. Black Belt magazine gets phone calls and emails all of the time about the interest in our system, and so they want to stay on the cutting edge. Make new DVDs is part of it, as well as the new book I am working on now for them.
If you are interested in purchasing these new DVDs CLICK HERE.
Meeting with Hank Hayes Jim Wagner
I was invited to lunch by my friend, and inventor of the NO LIE BLADES, this week near our homes in Southern California. We talked about the directions of our two companies, future projects together, and my continuing to sell his products on my website.
Years ago I helped make the NO LIE BLADES popular by using them in my Reality-Based Personal Protection courses all over the world. These training knives, the Series 1 Blade and the Street Trainer Blade, are the best product on the market for showing exactly where a blade touches you in an edged weapons conflict. The aluminum body is wrapped with an industrial felt which is then coated with lipstick. By the mark made one can determine if it is a light cut or deep cut, a stab, or just a superficial injury.
Hank gave me a couple of new sheaths to try out for the different products. These sheaths will definitely help me have a place to put the training tool when not in use. Normally I just sit the device down on a table in between techniques.
If you are interested in purchasing a NO LIE BLADE on the RBPP online store then CLICK HERE.