Movie Review: Vantage Point Jim Wagner
If you have missed the new film Vantage Point staring Dennis Quaid, Matthew Fox, Forest Whitaker with Sigourney Weaver, Édgar Ramírez and William Hurt then I highly recommend you Reality-Based practitioners to rent the DVD when it comes out.
The story takes place in Salamanca, Spain where the President of the United States Henry Ashton (played by William Hurt) is holding an anti-terrorism summit. An assassination attempt by terrorists on the President unfolds. The film gets a perspective from each participant, which makes this film very unique in this aspect.
This is an action packed movie with realistic terrorist acts, some hand-to-hand combat, and a couple of sentry removal techniques just like we practice it in the Knife Survival course.
The only Level 1 seminar in the USA in 2008 Jim Wagner
After only 12 hours after placing the New York Level 1 seminar information on the website there have already been a few sign ups, and the courses are six months away.
From December 1 to 5 at the end of this year I will be teaching my one and only Level 1 course in the USA and my two-day Knife Camp on December 6 and 7. I’ve had a lot of people asking me to host a Level 1 course in California, but I simply have run out of time on my schedule. Most of my time teaching this year is in Europe and Australia. I wanted to do a couple of Reality-Based Personal Protection Level 1 seminars in the USA but could only get one in, and that is in New York just 10 miles north of JFK International Airport thanks to Tommy DiLallo who will be hosting both seminars at the Combatives-USA Self-Defense Training Center in Franklin Square. Tommy has been trying to hook up with me for two years, and I finally took him up on his offer.
For more information and to sign up for any of the courses go to the following link:
Seminars in New York, USA